The adventures of a poor, but fashion savvy girl trying to look like a million bucks at a fraction of the cost...

Me, Myself, and I.

  From the time of toddlerdom, I have always loved shopping.  I could sit in my stroller for hours on end watching my mom and whoever else shop at the mall.  I was so much of a diva that a reward for good behavior would consist of a trip to the nail salon. (If only it still worked that way!)

While I didn't always look good in my crazy fashion combos, no one can say I didn't try to look fabulous.
   Fast forward into my preteen and early teen years and you will find a kid that had no clue how to look good.  For a while, I was determined to become a fashion designer and I even had the video game that I was sure would get me there. 
Phases of crazy is the best way to describe my style up until about a year ago when I decided if I ever wanted to fulfill my dream of becoming an English Professor, I needed to grow up and dress the part.  However, I encountered a problem with this decision, professional and chic clothes are expensive.  My mom and I had always been the bargain hunting type. We would hit clearance racks and thrift stores but I didn't become a hardcore GW shopper until a location opened up in my home town and I was soon addicted.
  Today, you can still find me at the mall, Khols, and other clothing stores, but the bulk of my wardrobe comes from Goodwill, yard sales and thrift stores.  I hope that by documenting my style choices and bargain finds I will be able to inspire people like you to live fashionably!

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